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Big Brother Wants Access to Your Computer Files

Using the worn out guise of fighting “crime” and ensuring national security, Obama and his globalist friends want access to your computer files. He is actually turning out to be even worse than I thought he would be…

Tea Party Coverage; AIG Gave Obama Over $100,000 in Contributions

Obama received over $100,000 in political contributions from AIG, and many other politicians were given plenty of money by AIG as well. But the AIG debacle is something they all feel very bad about of course. Never mind that Obama’s Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was one of the architects of the whole scheme to begin with. So who are the real “terrorists” here? Wait a minute — isn’t Geithner also the guy that didn’t pay his taxes?

In other related news, a short collage of news coverage from around the nation of the Tea Party protests is below:

Ron Paul, Michael Steele and Rush Limbaugh

Ron Paul is right, Steele is playing politics, and Rush is wrong (full of something besides just himself). What else is new…

Ron Paul: Stimulus Bill Bad for America, Will Delay Economic Recovery

Only a Return to Free Market Principles Can Save the Economy

The free market is not what got us into the current economic mess — but it is the only thing that could get us out of it.

To fix things of course would require a period of difficulty, and a nationwide determination to identify and root out corruption on all levels of government as well as in the corporate world. It would also take a return to Constitutional government, sacrifice (not the fake Obama kind) and a lot of personal responsibility. It seems as a whole that the nation lacks the capacity for all of that, so instead the country will probably just continue to spiral downward until everything totally falls apart.

But you have to keep trying to get support for true and effective principles even in the face of overwhelming odds.  Here is a clip from Ron Paul’s appearance on Brian and the Judge today:


A paraphrase of the great reminder from Dr. Paul:

Government does not exist to grant its individual citizens their rights. Government should exist only to secure and protect ALL rights — which each individual inherently has.


Ron Paul Discusses Today’s Election and What it Means for the Country

Ron Paul (the man who in a perfect world would’ve been elected president today) was interviewed on CNN’s American Morning show. He discussed the elections and what a new president will mean to our country.

Let’s just say it doesn’t look good no matter who of the two “evils” wins today.

Ron Paul Discusses the Elections, Republican Party

Ron Paul on the Rachel Maddow show 10.29.2008

Ron Paul on the Bailout Vote

Ron Paul Endorses Chuck Baldwin for President

Ron Paul endorsed Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party for president in a letter titled “A New Alliance” posted on his Campaign for Liberty website earlier today.

There is a lot to admire about both Cynthia McKinney and Ralph Nadar, but Paul certainly picked the best candidate still running for office in Chuck Baldwin. It’s also kind of funny given what Bob Barr did recently that Paul decided to come out and endorse someone after all — someone besides “Bad Barr” that is. Take that Barr! Maybe the Libertarian Party will run someone decent next time.

The letter/press release from Ron Paul reads in part the following:

The Libertarian Party Candidate admonished me for “remaining neutral” in the presidential race and not stating whom I will vote for in November.   It’s true; I have done exactly that due to my respect and friendship and support from both the Constitution and Libertarian Party members.  I remain a lifetime member of the Libertarian Party and I’m a ten-term Republican Congressman.  It is not against the law to participate in more then one political party.  Chuck Baldwin has been a friend and was an active supporter in the presidential campaign.

I continue to wish the Libertarian and Constitution Parties well.  The more votes they get, the better.  I have attended Libertarian Party conventions frequently over the years.

In some states, one can be on the ballots of two parties, as they can in New York.  This is good and attacks the monopoly control of politics by Republicans and Democrats.  We need more states to permit this option.  This will be a good project for the Campaign for Liberty, along with the alliance we are building to change the process.

I’ve thought about the unsolicited advice from the Libertarian Party candidate, and he has convinced me to reject my neutral stance in the November election.  I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate.

Ron Paul on The Colbert Report 9/04/2008

Great interview and funny too:

Police Trap Peaceful Protesters In Denver

Most of what I know about this incident is what’s shown in the video, but it seems pretty clear — police surrounded peaceful protesters in Denver and essentially trapped them, after which they moved in with batons and tear gassed them:

Pat Buchanan: “Come to Ron Paul’s convention”

Alright, this was hard for me to watch all the way through. I’m already tired of all the false promises, half truths, and complete lies spewed during the DNC and I’ve only watched about 5 minutes of the PBS coverage. The high-point in this video is where Pat Buchanan notes that the Ron Paul gathering in Minnesota is the only convention where one is likely to hear any accurate, relevant, critical commentary on the current administration. It doesn’t seem to be coming from the Democrats. (With the exception of Kucinich of course.)

Why Did 94 House Democrats Change Their Votes on FISA? (A: Money)

The Moderate Voice
June 25, 2008

In March, the House passed an amendment that rejected retroactive immunity for telecoms that assisted the NSA in illegal wiretapping. Most of us have wondered what happened to change the minds of 94 Democrats. What happened between June 20 and March 14 to change 94 Democratic hearts and minds?

The answer might well be simple: money. Could it be that simple?

MAPLight.org has published a breakdown of contributions received from Telco PACS by the 94 Dems who experienced the change of heart. [Maplight.org is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan organization based in Berkeley, California. Its search engine at MAPLight.org illuminates the connection between Money And Politics (MAP) via an unprecedented database of campaign contributions and legislative outcomes.’]

Full article…

Another good breakdown of corporate America’s contributions to the destruction of the 4th Amendment can be found at Blue Tidal Wave:

4th Ammendment Hit Squad
On Wednesday July 9, 2008 our U.S. Constitution, specifically the 4th amendment was officially torched by the U.S. government. The Democratic leadership in control of the 110th Congress lighted the definitive match to burn up every citizen’s civil liberties while a giddy unpopular President George Bush and his highly voter despised rubber stamp Republican caucus held the gas can in bravado glee. Full article…

AT&T Whistleblower: Spy Bill Creates ‘Infrastructure for a Police State’
By Ryan Singel

Mark Klein, the retired AT&T engineer who stepped forward with the technical documents at the heart of the anti-wiretapping case against AT&T, is furious at the Senate’s vote on Wednesday night to hold a vote on a bill intended to put an end to that lawsuit and more than 30 others.

(Says Klein):

[Wednesday]’s vote by Congress effectively gives retroactive immunity to the telecom companies and endorses an all-powerful president. It’s a Congressional coup against the Constitution.

The Democratic leadership is touting the deal as a “compromise,” but in fact they have endorsed the infamous Nuremberg defense: “Just following orders.” The judge can only check their paperwork. This cynical deal is a Democratic exercise in deceit and cowardice.

Klein saw a network monitoring room being built in AT&T’s internet switching center that only NSA-approved techs had access to. He squirreled away documents and then presented them to the press and the Electronic Frontier Foundation after news of the government’s warrantless wiretapping program broke.

Wired.com independently acquired a copy of the documents (.pdf) — which were under court seal — and published the wiring documents in May 2006 so that they could be evaluated…

Klein continues:

Congress has made the FISA law a dead letter–such a law is useless if the president can break it with impunity. Thus the Democrats have surreptitiously repudiated the main reform of the post-Watergate era and adopted Nixon’s line: “When the president does it that means that it is not illegal.” This is the judicial logic of a dictatorship.

The surveillance system now approved by Congress provides the physical apparatus for the government to collect and store a huge database on virtually the entire population, available for data mining whenever the government wants to target its political opponents at any given moment—all in the hands of an unrestrained executive power. It is the infrastructure for a police state.

Read the full Wired.com article

Ron Paul: The FISA bill clearly violates the Fourth Amendment

The main reason I oppose this latest version (of the FISA bill) is that it still clearly violates the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution by allowing the federal government to engage in the bulk collection of American citizens’ communications without a search warrant. That US citizens can have their private communication intercepted by the government without a search warrant is anti-American, deeply disturbing, and completely unacceptable.

In addition to gutting the fourth amendment, this measure will deprive Americans who have had their rights violated by telecommunication companies involved in the Administration’s illegal wiretapping program the right to seek redress in the courts for the wrongs committed against them. Worse, this measure provides for retroactive immunity, whereby individuals or organizations that broke the law as it existed are granted immunity for prior illegal actions once the law has been changed. Ex post facto laws have long been considered anathema in free societies under rule of law. Our Founding Fathers recognized this, including in Article I section 9 of the Constitution that No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. How is this FISA bill not a variation of ex post facto? That alone should give pause to supporters of this measure.

Gore Vidal: ‘The US is not a republic anymore’ Press TV, 6.28.08
“…Congress has never been more cowardly, nor more corrupt.”

Military Personnel Give Antiwar Candidates Biggest Campaign Donations

Ron Paul Gets the Most Donations From Military Personnel and Their Spouses, Obama Second

Airforce Times is reporting that Ron Paul continues to lead all presidential candidates in campaign contributions from the military (as he has since 2007). This is not surprising given the way military personnel (along with the rest of the country) have been lied to and manipulated about the reasons for the Iraq war and about the war on terror in general.

Support the troops — bring them home!!!

From January 2007 through March of this year, service members or civilian employees of the military donated at least $766,000 to presidential candidates, according to data made available April 20 and provided by the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonprofit research group in Washington.

The analysis included donations of at least $200 made by individuals who listed their employer as one of the four branches of the military — Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps — or the Coast Guard, National Guard, Army Air Force Exchange Service, armed forces or military.

These donors gave the largest amounts to Rep. Ron Paul, the long-shot Republican candidate from Texas who has acknowledged defeat in the nomination process but continues to campaign, and Sen. Barack Obama, the Democrat from Illinois.

During the reporting period, Paul — a former Air Force surgeon who broke with his party to vote against the Iraq war — received the most military contributions, with $201,271.

That’s significantly more than the presumptive Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain from Arizona, who received $132,133 from military donors, according to CRP.

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Making a Recession Great

This is from Ron Paul’s weekly Texas Straight Talk column, it’s accurate and timely and deserves to be widely read:

Making a Recession Great

House Democrats recently adopted a budget with massive tax hikes, many of which are directed at those Americans who can least afford them. By allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire in 2010, this budget will raise income taxes not only on those in the highest income brackets, but raises the lowest bracket from 10% to 15% as well. Estates would again be taxed at 55%. The child tax credit would drop from $1000 to $500. Senior citizens relying on investment income would be hurt by increases in dividend and capital gains taxes. It’s not just that the Democrats want to raises taxes on the rich. They want to raises taxes on everybody.

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