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Ron Paul & Mitt Romney Leading in Iowa

Ron Paul and Mitt Romney are trading the lead poll position in Iowa’s upcoming caucus, depending on which poll you look at it or depending on the day, it’s going to come down to the wire!

“After months of volatility, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul remain the front-runners in Iowa for the third week in a row with the state’s Republican caucus just five days away.”




Ron Paul Ahead of Bachman & Romney in fundraising

Ron Paul’s PACs raise over $3 million in first quarter! All grassroots! Ron Paul for president!

See more at Politico:
Exclusive: Ron Paul’s $3M pot of gold


Mitt Romney Endorses Ron Paul

Okay, Romney didn’t actually endorse Ron Paul — but he might as well have. In this interview with Mark Larsen on The Morning Magazine show out of Tampa Bay Romney basically says (in so many words): “I am part of the corrupt political elite. I will not do anything to fix the problems in this country, but I might make them worse — at the very least I will continue with our failed policies. Everyone should vote for Ron Paul instead of me or any of the other candidates.”

Ron Paul MSNBC Florida Debate 1.24.08

The other candidates and the MSM are just flat out scared of Dr. Paul now, hoping to avoid having to confront him or be confronted by him because they know they always lose. No more half-witted attempts to make him look bad, no more strange cackling while he speaks, just avoiding eye contact seems to be their plan.

Total Times
Romney: 21:11, during 13 times
McCain: 16:00, during 13 times
Giuliani: 13:50, during 11 times
Huckabee: 12:11, during nine times
Paul: 6:31, during six times

John McCain was very confused.

And then of course there’s the strange “man behind the curtain” whispering to Romney, apparently the brains of the operation.

Ron Paul is Strongest Opponent of Real ID

The Real ID basically amounts to an illegal threat to our privacy, security and identity. The national ID card, potentially a forced replacement of your driver’s license, would track your every move, make you more susceptible to identity theft, and likely decrease national security. John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani want to help the HSD implement it.

[Ironically Hillary Clinton, John McCain, and Barack Obama each have had their private passport information accessed illegally by contractors working for the government.]

Real ID watchdog group The Visible Vote 08 has praised Ron Paul for his consistently strong opposition to the Real ID Act:

“(T)he strongest opponent of the Act among presidential candidates is Ron Paul, who has taken every opportunity to warn of the creation of a national ID card and the threat to individual privacy facing Americans as a result of enactment of Real ID… Ron Paul is the only presidential candidate who has consistently raised the issue of the Real ID Act in presidential debates this year.”

Visible Vote notes that Republican candidates John McCain, Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani all support the Real ID Act.

Why is there not a bigger outcry against the Real ID Act? Some of the details of the Act finally hit mainstream news this past week, but its definitely not a new piece of legislation.
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Important Lew Rockwell Post

Open Letter to Mormons Regarding Ron Paul

. . .All the other Republican and Democratic candidates reveal themselves as lusting for power, to be in various stages of corruption, using weasel words with coached speeches and phrases intended to deceive a dumbed-down American public. This deception is facilitated by a mainstream press that has become dominated by a corporate establishment that has a globalist agenda. This agenda requires reduced national sovereignty. All these other candidates approve of this agenda.

. . .If we sit idly by, unmoved by the special knowledge which has been given, we are told our state will be awful. Latter-day Saints have been directed to give heed to the Lord’s commandments concerning the laws of the land. We have been told to support that law of the land which is constitutional and not tamper with it:

Ron Paul Looking For Early New Hampshire Win

There is the very real possibility of Ron Paul winning in the New Hampshire primary, which may be held as early as December. A win in the “live free or die” state would have an amazing effect on the outcome of elections across the country, especially if the New Hampshire primary ends up being the first primary held in 2008, as it likely will be.

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Ron Paul Winning Straw Polls Nationwide

Ron Paul is winning a majority of the straw polls nationwide, many of them by a wide margin.