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Ron Paul money bomb today, need early campaign push!

Check out this great video clip from an interview of Ron Paul on CNN— “Getting to Know Ron Paul“.

He was voted “friendliest and best all around” in high school, his great grandson calls him “G-Ron”, he defends your Constitutional rights, he’s easily the most love-able and family-man candidate, vote for this guy! And if you haven’t already, go make a generous contribution to his campaign, he needs a fast early start to his campaign.


Ron Paul Ahead of Bachman & Romney in fundraising

Ron Paul’s PACs raise over $3 million in first quarter! All grassroots! Ron Paul for president!

See more at Politico:
Exclusive: Ron Paul’s $3M pot of gold


Donate to Ron Paul’s presidential fund, Monday Feb 21st

Update: 5-14-2011. Pledge a donation to the Ron Paul MoneyBomb on June 5th, 2011!

Donate at libertypac.com:

Sign the petition: Ron Paul for president in 2012!

Visit this page and sign the petition urging Ron Paul to run for president in 2012:

Bachman: ‘A Gangster Government’

“No business is safe, when you see the administration appoint Czars. Car Czars, wage Czars. There’s over 20 Czars that have been appointed, and what do those Czars do? They bypass the Congress. We’re the people’s elected Representatives. We’ve been bypassed. We now have an imperial presidency where the President has appointed various Czars reporting directly to him. And now he’s reaching into the confines of private businesses and overnight rendering them virtually worthless, unless, unless they have a special tug, a political tie to a local democrat congressman.”

Hillary Clinton Compliments Ron Paul and His Supporters

Unexpected praise for Ron Paul and his enthusiastic supporters from none other than Hillary Clinton.

I Pledge NOT to Be a Servant to President Obama

OK, my posting of this video is a few weeks behind the video it is responding to, but it is still relevant in this era of presidential deification.

No Bailout For Wall Street

I liked this article by presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin so much that I’m posting it here in its entirety. This is highly recommended reading—a good refresher course for those who have done their own research on the subject, and probably revelatory for those who haven’t. When you’re done reading, take action.

Chuck Baldwin
American Free Press
September 27, 2008

At the time of this writing, the U.S. House and Senate are poised to pass a $700 billion bailout to Wall Street. At the behest of President George W. Bush, the U.S. taxpayers are going to be on the hook for what can only be referred to as the biggest fraud in U.S. history.

Virtually our entire financial system is based on an illusion. We spend more than we earn, we consume more than we produce, we borrow more than we save, and we cling to the fantasy that this can go on forever. The glue that holds this crumbling scheme together is a fiat currency known as the Federal Reserve Note, which was created out of thin air by an international banking cartel called the Federal Reserve.

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Rand Paul: Is the Revolution Over or Just Beginning?

Here are a couple of posts from the Daily Paul that seem to shed some light on the somewhat ambiguous video message released by Ron Paul on the status of his campaign:

Rand Paul MD | March 8, 2008

Reports that Ron Paul has quit the Presidential Race remind me of Mark Twain’s famous quote, “Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” The Ron Paul Presidential campaign continues, albeit at a different pace.

What does that mean?

Ron Paul will continue to contest the remaining primaries. Ron Paul’s name will be on all the remaining state ballots. Ron Paul volunteers are encouraged to become precinct captains, delegates to state and national conventions, and to try pass Constitutional proposals to each state’s Republican platform.

For example, volunteers in each state should try to attach amendments such as the following: Republicans believe that war should only be fought after a proper Declaration of War by Congress. Another possible platform idea is that: Republican Congressmen are expected to vote against any federal budget, Republican or Democrat, that is not balanced.

Want to have some fun? Just imagine the fun when the debate begins on these ideas.

Is Ron Paul still campaigning for president? Yes. Ron Paul has tentative plans to campaign in Pennsylvania and Kentucky. Ron Paul will also likely appear in other states that have remaining primaries.

The press is reporting that Ron Paul has quit the race. This is not true. Ron Paul’s video simply acknowledges that the campaign will continue but will also transform into additional activities such as education and supporting other candidates. In Kentucky we just held precinct conventions and Ron Paul Republicans won hundreds of precinct captains. In Kyle Texas, Craig Young upset the establishment choice for Republican County Chairman.

The Ron Paul Revolution lives on! Victory comes in many forms. Help shape what the Ron Paul revolution becomes.

From the Horses Mouth: Ron Paul IS IN THE RACE TO THE END: 

I am posting this Mar. 6, 2008. My name is Bruce Bolock and I live in Lake Jackson, Texas. I have been a dedicated Ron Paul supporter and campaigner for more than 11 years. I am writing this on my wife’s computer. With three other dedicated supporter’s of Dr. Paul we met Sunday, March 2, 2008 for approximately 1 hour. Dr. Paul stated he is looking forward to campaigning in Pennsylvania (his birth state), North Carolina, and other primary states as the primary season winds down. He will enthusiatically go anywhere he is asked. He is in it as long as the funding continues to come in. Immediately before writing this I had a discussion with Carol Paul to confirm my understanding. Carol validated our understanding of the Sunday conversation. Earlier she had discussed this over the phone with Ron.
We have an excellent opportunity before us. Let’s not blow it!!!Those voters for McCain will now NOT turn out to vote as they see it unnecessary to go vote (based on the false, misleading information from the MSM). Or, they may switch over to vote against Hillary or Obama. The Ron Paul supporters can win the popular vote in these primaries and win the delegates. There is no other viable choice. It would be wise for the supporters of Ron Paul to continue to contribute to the campaign so that Ron can ride tihis all the way to the national convention. I am involved here and I am a delegate to the state senatorial convention. John McCain currently has ZERO committed delegates from Texas. That’s right—ZERO!!! The MSM has told you he has won the convention based on the delegates he won in Texas. Let me repeat, John McCain currently has ZERO delegates from Texas. We have the state senatorial convention and the Texas State convention to determine the delegates to go to the National Convention. They quite well may all be Ron Paul delegates.
Hence, we the supporters of Ron Paul need to cease and desist sending out these false rumors! They don’t help Ron, they demoralize his supporters. Please stop this nonsense, this only helps the establishment further control us. The establishment fears Ron Paul and a brokered convention. Don’t help them destroy this great opportunity,


Bush Tells Truth About the “War on Terror”

Check out the look on Rumsfields face when Bush accidentally tells the truth about the bogus war on terror:

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we,” Bush said. “They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

Finally! Ron Paul Gets Fair Mainstream Media Coverage

Well, maybe not 100% fair coverage, but it’s about as close as Dr. Paul has gotten yet. Here is a great ten minute interview with Ron Paul on MSNBC.

Ron Paul Tea Party To Break One-Day Fundraising Record Dec. 16th

The Ron Paul Revolution is looking to break the final remaining single-day fundraising record that was set by Hillary Clinton who reportedly raised almost $6.2 million on June 30, 2007. It should be made clear that the Hillary record certainly wasn’t made by thousands of individual donors and likely was “pledged money” rather than actual money hitting her account, if the number is even accurate. John Kerry also brought in $5.6 million one day during the Democratic nomination 2004 convention after the primaries. But on December 16th, Ron Paul’s grassroots supporter-organized “Tea Party” is expected to raise over $6 million and this is before the primaries and without the help of a large party convention. Paul already holds the one-day internet fundraising record of $4.3 million.

Pay attention America, liberty is brewing.

On December 16th, 1773 the Sons of Liberty staged the “Boston Tea Party” protesting British taxation policies by dumping crates of tea into the Boston Harbor, helping to spark the American Revolution.

Now, on December 16th, 2008 Ron Paul supporters are staging the “Tea Party ’07” protesting the unconstitutional inflation tax by dumping millions of dollars into the Ron Paul campaign.

Why is $6 million a legitimate number to expect on the 16th? During the weeks leading up to the November 5th fundraising haul, around 18,000 Paul supporters pledged to participate by giving $100 each. This translated into over $4.3 million in donations given by over 38,000 donors (more than twice the number who pledged). Now on the Tea Party ’07 website there is over 33,000 pledges to donate on the 16th. Double that number and the total is easily over $6 million. Plus gambling911.com is saying at least $6 million. The goal for the day is $10 million so don’t be too surprised if Ron Paul’s support base runs up the score.

Paul’s supporters around the country are planning to celebrate the Tea Party with meetings, rallies, speeches, and parties. There’s the rally in Boston, there’s events from LA to New York to Seattle to Florida to D.C. and everywhere in between. They will be marching through the streets in Vegas,

The Ron Paul Revolution isn’t just a national phenomenon. Ron Paul fans around the world will be having celebrations of their own across Europein Strasbourg France, in Munich, in Britain, in Switzerland, and likely in other nations as well.

Paul’s grassroots fundraising power is unparalleled in the history of presidential elections.Paul is expected to have the highest 4th quarter donation total among the GOP candidates. Giuliani has next the highest 4th quarter total at $11.6 million.

Watch the donations totals here at Paulcash with a live graph and up-to-date totals, or at Ron Paul Graphs to see a breakdown of donations by states, the number of donors, and more great stats.

Click below to donate and be a part of this historic event!



Ron Paul Highlights from the Iowa Debate

Who do the People Really Want to Elect?

If the number of meetup group supporters is any indication of the voice of the people, Ron Paul has all the candidates beat by a long shot.

Click here and scroll down for a quick view of each presidential candidates meetup group totals. Notice that Ron Paul has over 73,000 more meetup.com members than the next highest, Barack Obama who has around 5,600. Also take note of the activity level of the members and the fact that Ron Paul has members in 24 different countries.


Five For Freedom

I just sent in $5 to help the Ron Paul grassroots canvassing effort in New Hampshire. Click on the link above to send your $5. Ron Paul supporters from all over the country, mostly students, are flocking to New Hampshire in the coming weeks to knock on doors and spread the word. They need some monetary support.
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