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Ex CIA agent says Iraq policies continue under Obama, mission not accomplished

Dennis Kucinich: ‘We have to get out of Afghanistan’

Dennis Kucinich is interviewed by Judge Napalitano, discussing Afghanistan, the BP oil spill, liberty vs. security, and a foreign policy that is likely leading to a failed empire.

Broken Soldier – Iraq War Veterans’ Stories

From Iraq Veterans Against the War

Baghdad’s water still undrinkable 6 years after invasion

McClatchy Newspapers, March 18, 2009
BAGHDAD — The stench of human waste is enough to tell Falah abu Hasan that his drinking water is bad. His infant daughter Fatma’s continuous illnesses and his own constant nausea confirm it.

“We are the poor. No one cares if we get sick and die,” he said. “But someone should do something about the water. It is dirty. It brings disease.”

Everybody complains about the water in Baghdad , and few are willing to risk drinking it from the tap. Six years after the U.S. invaded Iraq , 36 percent of Baghdad’s drinking water is unsafe, according to the Iraqi Environment Ministry — in a good month. In a bad month, it’s 90 percent. Cholera broke out last summer, and officials fear another outbreak this year.

“Even if the water is good today, no one would trust it,” grocer Hussein Jawad said. He said that about 40 percent of his business was selling bottled drinking water, crates of which he’s stacked 7 feet high on the sidewalk. “We’ve learned to be afraid.”

Full Story…

Don’t Expect Obama to Bring Real Change in U.S. Foreign Policy

Afghanistan and Pakistan will be Obama’s Iraq. Only a few days after his inauguration, drone attacks were launched in Pakistan, killing 22. This comes as a 30,000 U.S. troop surge/escalation is being prepared for Afghanistan. Additional warning of this came from Joe Biden himself who said things are going to escalate there on CBS’ “Face the Nation”. A Washington Times article said the following on the issue:

Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said Sunday that there will be an “uptick” in American casualties in Afghanistan as the U.S. military increases its presence in that country, which he characterized as “a real mess.”

The vice president’s prediction prompted outrage from liberal antiwar groups who characterized it as “cavalier,” although a leading scholar at a Washington neoconservative think tank called the Biden remarks an overdue recognition of reality.

Of course the new administration is just blaming everything on Bush (who does deserve a huge amount of blame). But the point is that they are going to continue the same policies Bush had, just with different rhetoric. There will be no real change (except for the worse) as the powers that be bench “W” and put in their new man Barack. So much for Obama being an anti-war peace candidate. More broken campaign promises are on the way–of that we can be sure.

Ron Paul, as usual, summarizes things quite well:

Jesse Ventura On The Economy, A Possible Senate Run, the Media, & More 7.14.08

Jesse Ventura’s July 14th interview on Larry King:

Sounds like he’s not going to run. This is very disappointing, but I understand why he would be concerned for his family, and how that would influence his decision. Add that to the lack of support from the country for truth and good government and its a wonder anyone with integrity and a conscience gets involved in politics. However, the nation will be worse off without him in the Senate.

Here’s the first part of yesterday’s interview on the Alex Jones radio show:

Hear the rest of the interview…

Something Big Is Going On

From Campaign For Liberty.com

The following statement is written by Congressman Paul about the pending financial disaster. He will introduce this statement as a special order and insert it into the Congressional Record next week. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to debut it first on the Campaign for Liberty blog. It reads as follows:

I have, for the past 35 years, expressed my grave concern for the future of America. The course we have taken over the past century has threatened our liberties, security and prosperity. In spite of these long-held concerns, I have days—growing more frequent all the time—when I’m convinced the time is now upon us that some Big Events are about to occur. These fast-approaching events will not go unnoticed. They will affect all of us. They will not be limited to just some areas of our country. The world economy and political system will share in the chaos about to be unleashed.

Though the world has long suffered from the senselessness of wars that should have been avoided, my greatest fear is that the course on which we find ourselves will bring even greater conflict and economic suffering to the innocent people of the world—unless we quickly change our ways.

Continue reading

Salt Lake Mayor Debates Fox News

With the exception of clips like this, more than a few minutes of the Faux News makes me ill so I never watch it. (I am opposed to torture… ) On top of the nauseating propaganda spewed by arrogant/ignorant hosts what’s up with their color scheme?

Anyway, you gotta love the honesty and courage of Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson as he is questioned by the Fox thugs about his opposition to the war and to Bush in general:

Ron Paul Speaks With Iraqi Lawmakers, Majority Want U.S. Forces Out

Iraq lawmakers want U.S. forces out as part of deal 6.4.2008, Reuters.com

“The majority of Iraqi representatives strongly reject any military-security, economic, commercial, agricultural, investment or political agreement with the United States that is not linked to clear mechanisms that obligate the occupying American military forces to fully withdraw from Iraq,” the letter to the leaders of Congress said.

Time to give them their democracy.

Ron Paul Dares Question Petraeus and Crocker

Ron Paul once again is virtually the lone voice asking the questions everybody should be asking — that is if everybody was actually intelligent, informed and awake:

Jesse Ventura Speaks Out on Larry King Live

This is the April ’08 interview, the interview from July 14th 2008 can be seen here.

See the rest of the interview here:


Ron Paul & the Just War Theory

“Military force is justified only in self-defense; naked aggression is the province of dictators and rogue states. This is the danger of a new “preemptive first strike” doctrine…” —Ron Paul

History Repeats Itself

There are striking similarities between the economic crisis of the 70s and the current crisis. The 1970s crisis was caused by needless Vietnam war spending, an excessive trade deficit, and rising oil prices/falling dollar. Sound familiar? I wasn’t even old enough to understand what was going on back then however I do read and do know a little about history—enough to realize that history is in many ways repeating itself. Today this article came out detailing exactly what I have been noticing:

From LewRockwell.com:

“Déjà vu, All Over Again”

The credit markets were reeling and people across the globe had lost confidence in the dollar. American tourists overseas found that many places in Europe were reluctant to exchange their dollars for European currency, and the world banking community was even more in an uproar.

Furthermore, U.S. armed forces were bogged down in an unpopular war overseas, and the U.S. economy seemed to be moving into a recession. Foreigners holding dollars were nervous and wondering if they had been fooled into holding worthless paper.

I am not describing the current economic scene in the United States; instead, this is a description of the crisis of August, 1971, when the U.S. dollar collapsed as the government’s currency Ponzi game ran its course, and Americans found it was time to pay the piper. The 1970s were wracked with stagflation, slow growth, economic uncertainty, and political turmoil.

Apparently, the lessons to be learned of the dollar’s collapse in 1971 have not been learned by the current crop of “leaders” in Washington and on Wall Street, but the thing about laws of economics is that they are impervious to the wishes and commands of politicians. Contra Franklin D. Roosevelt, who insisted that economic laws had been made up by people and could be changed by fiat, one cannot command an economy into prosperity. . . (Read Full Article)

10 Years of War with Iraq

Ron Paul, member of the House Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement on the anniversary of the invasion of Iraq two days ago:

The occupation of Iraq began five years ago today, but few realize that the march to war began ten years ago under Bill Clinton, when regime change became official U.S. policy. In 1998, I took to the House floor in protest of the Iraqi Liberation Act to warn that, ‘I see this legislation as essentially being a declaration of virtual war. It is giving the President tremendous powers to pursue war efforts against a sovereign Nation.’ My warnings were largely dismissed at the time, but five years later, we were bombing Iraq.

After five years of occupation, today is a good time for reflection. The cost to America has been great: 4,000 soldiers are dead, 30,000 have been severely wounded, and over 100,000 have applied for disability. In addition, the war has put a tremendous strain on our economy. As we spiral toward recession and experience an assault on our dollar, we spend $12 billion per month financing our Iraqi operations. The war has cost us nearly $1 trillion dollars, or over $3,300 per American man, woman, and child.

In a recent presidential debate, I was asked whether the war was ‘worth it.’ I said, and still say, ‘absolutely not.’”

What’s This ‘Iraq War’ Charge on My Bill?