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Ron Paul: We have one political party and all they fight over is power

Republicans and Democrats belong to the same political party, fighting over power–not philosophy:

Hillary Clinton Compliments Ron Paul and His Supporters

Unexpected praise for Ron Paul and his enthusiastic supporters from none other than Hillary Clinton.

Ron Paul on the D.L. Hughley Show

Dr. Paul was on the D.L. Hughley show last night. I have to agree with D.L. Hughley, Ron Paul makes “too much sense to be a Republican” (or a Democrat).

Ron Paul Interviewed on Russia Today

Coverage of Ron Paul’s Rally for the Republic

Way too much happened at the Rally for the Republic to show it all here, but some of the highlights are below. From all reports it was an amazing time. Obviously there were some excellent speakers there but also (from what I’ve heard) there was a good sense of camaraderie amongst the various types of people there as well. Freedom unites!

Ron Paul Part One:

Ron Paul Part Two:

Ron Paul Part Three:

Jesse Ventura Part One:

Jesse Ventura Part Two:

Jesse Ventura Part Three:

Lew Rockwell Part One:

Lew Rockwell Part Two:

Aimee Allen singing Universal Soldier (apparently at Ron Paul’s request!)

Ron Paul on the Fed, Foreign Policy 8.28.08

Ron Paul discusses the Fed, the economy, presidential candidates, and U.S. foreign policy (particularly as related to Georgia and Russia) on CNN’s “American Morning” August 28, 2008:

Penn Jillette Talks 3rd Party Candidates on Glenn Beck Show

Why I like Penn and want to like Beck.

Beck doesn’t often get it completely right — especially on issues like foreign policy and terrorism — but at least in some areas he’s pretty close:

Wolf Blitzer, Ron Paul, John McCain and “Book Bombs”

Ron Paul appeared on CNN today with Wolf Blitzer and was asked predictably (how many times have people asked this question now?) if and when he will support McCain, why he will NOT support McCain (hmm, perhaps because RON PAUL IS STILL RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!!! — not to mention McCain is virtually the polar opposite of what Paul is and what he stands for) and why he is still running for president. I think Wolf might have missed the “why don’t you run third party?” question this time though.

But you’ve gotta love this interview. The media still doesn’t understand why Ron Paul refuses to play the game all of the other major candidates do/did. It’s fun to watch the perplexed, confused media try to make sense of someone with a solid moral and ideological foundation who actually follows his principles.

The Dollar is a Big Element of U.S. Security

Here is a letter from Ron Paul to the Wall Street Journal published today:

I was delighted to read in Judy Shelton’s op-ed, “Security and the Falling Dollar” (Feb. 15), that at long last the security implications of the dollar’s collapse have made their way into the mainstream media. The dollar’s strength (or lack thereof) has been of paramount concern to me, and the subject of many of my statements over the past several years. Decades of manipulation by the Federal Reserve have benefited the government and certain politically-connected firms, while gradually destroying the purchasing power of middle-class Americans. Despite numerous warnings in the past, it is only now at a point of acute crisis that Washington insiders are beginning to awaken to the reality of the end of dollar hegemony.

While I desire reform of our current monetary system, my own proposals have not been as all-encompassing as Ms. Shelton’s suggestion to return to a Bretton Woods-style system. Her recommendation, though, that gold backing should make up a component of a future monetary system, is one that we would all do well to heed. My own legislative proposals focus around eliminating the taxes and laws that dissuade individuals and institutions from using gold as currency or as a backing for currency. By allowing market processes to determine the issuance of currency, we can allow individuals to decide for themselves what currency they wish to use. This would lead to a gradual reintroduction of sound money and avoid the market shocks that occur when monetary decisions are mandated by government fiat.

Rep. Ron Paul (R., Texas)

Prodigy of Mobb Deep Speaks on Ron Paul

“I’ve been lookin at this dude Ron Paul, he’s been exposing a lot of things that need to be talked about… It’s all about freedoms — they’re trying to take away our freedoms. Everybody needs to come together as a people and protect our freedoms. Put religion aside, put color aside…” –Prodigy

Even Bigger Than Ron Paul

I’ve worked long and hard to promote Ron Paul and his message and will continue to do so however tough the odds may be (on both counts) . I love Ron Paul and have a huge amount of respect for him and his character and integrity and I certainly still hold out hope that he can win.

Ultimately though all of us who care about the issues Ron Paul is fighting for will be in this for the long haul regardless of what happens in the 2008 elections. If Paul is elected it will still be a struggle to implement changes and improve things — one that will last for years. If he is not elected then we are probably in for an even bigger struggle. I hope that those of us who are new to this “Ron Paul Revolution” will not give up and walk away if Paul does not win. He is a focal point, a leader and an example, but the message is bigger than the man. I believe Ron Paul feels the same way, as he often says: “freedom is popular”. Let us always keep a long term perspective and never allow temporary setbacks to deter us from doing what is right.

This is a good article from The Facts written by John Tompkins. It echoes my sentiments and also provides interesting detail and insight into both the Ron Paul Revolution and the man himself. (Mr. Tompkins has written a number of interesting articles which I recommend.)


Supporters: Movement bigger than Paul

Published January 18, 2008

When Ron Paul first announced he was considering a run for the Republican nomination for president in January 2007, he didn’t know what to expect.

He said then he was forming an exploratory committee — the initial step toward a formal campaign — because he was asked to by a strong contingent of supporters. After first telling them no, he decided to create the committee to see if there was any interest out there for a Paul presidency.

“I’m willing to do this and test the waters,” he said at the time.

Exactly a year later, a humble push for the Lake Jackson congressman has turned into a nationwide campaign. Powered by individuals rather than campaign organizers, it has turned into the most-financed Republican campaign in the last quarter of 2007 with $20 million in donations raised mostly through the Internet.

It has been supported by a group of very young and committed volunteers who love Paul’s views on ending the Iraq war, bringing back the gold standard, ending the federal income tax and abolishing federal agencies such as the CIA and IRS.

And Paul loves the attention to those views from the young people. While campaigning in South Carolina and New Hampshire, Paul never once turned down an offer to take a picture with a supporter, film a video introduction for a high school TV news program or sign a pocket-sized version of the Constitution.

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Give Change a Chance: Vote Ron Paul

Another great video brought to you by supporters of Ron Paul.

“Give change a chance!”

More on New Hampshire Vote Fraud

It’s clear that there needs to be a recounting of the votes done by hand to establish the real outcome of the New Hampshire primary.

From TruthNews:

Going purely on hand-counts, which as we saw in Sutton were by no means angelic but at least harder to cheat on than Diebold voting machines without getting caught, Ron Paul would have won 15% of the vote and finished third. This figure would have more accurately correlated to the pre-primary polls rather than the ridiculous 8% he was eventually given.

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Voter Fraud in New Hampshire?

Update 1.15.08: They need another $5,000 to move forward with the NH recount. Donate at Granny Warriors chip-in site.

This is something I didn’t want to have to make a post about, but I’ve found too much evidence to completely ignore or say that voter fraud isn’t or couldn’t be taking place.

From the Ron Paul War Room:

According to a post this evening on the Ron Paul Forums, vote fraud occurred in Sutton, New Hampshire:

Sutton with 100% reporting reported 0 votes for paul but poster in Sutton posted:
My mom, aunt, and dad all voted for RP today in my hometown, My mom and aunt both work passing out ballots, and checking them off. I just looked at the politico map and it says their town has ZERO votes for Ron. Now i know that there isn’t corruption on voting in
that little town, so where they reported it must be. What do I do, anyone know???

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Too Many Ron Paul Supporters in SF, Straw Poll Canceled

The San Francisco Republican Alliance Meeting and Straw Poll is cut short after “too many Ron Paul supporters showed up.” Watch as chaos unfolds while meeting head Gail Neira explains the meeting is being canceled. Many unhappy Ron Paul supporters then peacefully voice their displeasure about being kicked out of the meeting after having to sit through an hour long pro-Fred Thompson speech.

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