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Ron Paul Thanksgiving Food Drive: Freedom in Action!

The outpouring of Ron Paul fundraising support has been amazing lately. The November 5th $4.3 million event broke fundraising records, and the December 16th “tea party” is shaping up to be even better. There are already around 15,000 pledges for December 16th. There were around 18,000 pledges for the November 5th fundraiser, which resulted in over $4.3 million donated. So at this pace, and with a month still to gain more pledges, December 16th will undoubtedly break Paul’s November 5th one-day fundraising record and will very likely meet the 10 million dollar one day goal set for the event!

With all this amazing support and publicity coming from the Ron Paul fundraising events, I have been wondering….why isn’t there a Thanksgiving Day fundraiser planned? After all, it was on November 26th, 1789 that George Washington recommended to Congress that there be a national Thanksgiving Day observed in the United States. Congress approved.

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Ron Paul Endorsed by Barry Goldwater, Jr.

From Ron Paul2008.com:

“America is at a crossroads,” said Mr. Goldwater. “We have begun to stray from our traditions and must get back to what has made us the greatest nation on earth or we will lose much of the freedom we hold dear. Ron Paul stands above all of the other candidates in his commitment to liberty and to America.”

“Leading America is difficult, and I know Ron Paul is the man for the job,” he added.

Mr. Goldwater is the son of the late former Republican presidential candidate and Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater. Barry Goldwater, Jr. served in the House of Representatives for six terms with Texas Congressman Paul, and is currently on the Board of Directors of the Goldwater Institute. After representing northern Los Angeles County in Washington, D.C. for 14 years, Mr. Goldwater retired from politics in 1983 to pursue a successful career in business and humanitarian ventures.

A Look At the Primaries, Register and Vote Ron Paul!

The following link has a tentative schedule of the quickly approaching State Primaries and Caucuses:


Also, if you’re not registered to vote, here’s an easy online form that you can fill out, print and mail.

Wake Up America

[Quoted From Utah Mayor Ross C. “Rocky” Anderson’s Speech on October 27, 2007]

. . . Why is this country so sound asleep? Why do we abide what is happening to our nation, to our Constitution, to the cause of peace and international law and order? Why are we not doing all in our power to put an end to this madness?

We should be in the streets regularly and students should be raising hell on our campuses. We should be making it clear in every way possible that apologies or convoluted, disingenuous explanations just don’t cut it when presidential candidates and so many others voted to authorize George Bush and his neo-con buddies to send American men and women to attack and occupy Iraq.

Let’s awaken, and wake up the country by committing here and now to do all each of us can to take our nation back. Let them hear us across the country, as we ask others to join us: “We won’t take it any more!”

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