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November 30th Ron Paul Donation Day: “Rudy’s Reading List”

The Ron Paul campaign says they need money now, before the end of the quarter so they can spend it now on TV ads and other strategic campaigning.

Join over 2,200 people who have already pledged to donate tomorrow on November 30th!


CNN Post Debate Interview With Ron Paul

Important Lew Rockwell Post

Open Letter to Mormons Regarding Ron Paul

. . .All the other Republican and Democratic candidates reveal themselves as lusting for power, to be in various stages of corruption, using weasel words with coached speeches and phrases intended to deceive a dumbed-down American public. This deception is facilitated by a mainstream press that has become dominated by a corporate establishment that has a globalist agenda. This agenda requires reduced national sovereignty. All these other candidates approve of this agenda.

. . .If we sit idly by, unmoved by the special knowledge which has been given, we are told our state will be awful. Latter-day Saints have been directed to give heed to the Lord’s commandments concerning the laws of the land. We have been told to support that law of the land which is constitutional and not tamper with it:

CNN Youtube Debates: They’re Stealing Ron Paul’s Lines

The strange thing I noticed during this debate was that many of the candidates (Huckabee, Giuliani, Thompson, etc.) are stealing Ron Paul’s positions on some issues. Huckabee is now extremely vocal about getting rid of the IRS, Thompson wants to overturn Roe V. Wade and hand the abortion issue to the states? These are both positions initially taken and championed by Paul—his outspokenness on these issues has made them popular and accepted. The other candidates are realizing that Paul’s ideals are popular and they’re trying to cash in and steal his thunder at the debates. Thats politicians for you.

Overall Ron Paul’s message and answers were clear, direct, and strong. This doesn’t leave a lot for the other candidates to attack, and maybe thats part of why Paul gets less time to speak. He clearly stated his position on defending national sovereignty, eliminating needless/unconstitutional government institutions and spending, protecting the country and not engaging in unlawful, no win, wars that we can’t afford. One of Paul’s great moments was when he declared that Washington had not changed him, after other candidates admitted it had changed them.

I was again disappointed by the lack of air time that Ron Paul received, the post debate stats prove a great time imbalance, as usual most of the questions were directed to Giuliani, Romney, and McCain. Low points of the debate included the bickering between Romney and Giuliani over the percentages of crime that they decreased and about who had a worse record on immigration.

Even Romney took a stand against Huckabee’s government-funded illegal immigrant scholarship program that he set up in Arkansas, noting that “this is not your money to give” to illegals, its the taxpayers’. Still, all the candidates including Romney pale in comparison to the principled nature of Ron Paul and his relentless record of voting according to Constitutional law.

John McCain took on the role as self-proclaimed spokesman for the troops, using a question about taxes to attack Paul on foreign policy. Paul reminded McCain quickly “the question you have to ask is why do I get the most money from active duty personnel?” End of debate. McCain’s inconsistencies were revealed here, as he had earlier in the debate admitted that Iraq is a failure, now he tried to smear Paul for his position of bringing the troops home in order to limit the damages done to our troops and the region. McCain appropriately received plenty of boos for his remarks here.

After the debate Ron Paul spoke about how he was a little annoyed by not being able to speak until a half hour into the debate and even then only given a few minutes here and there. However, Paul, a true liberty supporter to the end, said “they have their right to be biased.” I love this guy, he always goes out of his way to be fair and liberty-minded even when people often aren’t at all fair to him. We need to get him elected.